This virus could kill millions

Veröffentlicht auf von Chris

H5N1 mutations created




Dutch researchers from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam have created a mutated H5N1 bird flu virus that could potentially kill millions of people. Now they intend to publish, as they did - reports British newspaper "The Independent".
The research team led researchers Fouchiera virologist Ron, and they were funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health, NIH) - the most important government institution in the U.S. dedicated to research on health.

The virus is now in confinement, in the basement Erasmus Medical Centre.
The new H5N1 virus is far more dangerous than the previous one, because in contrast to niezmutowanego counterpart, can spread by air, eg by cough (up to now was only possible through close physical contact).

Fouchier said that making changes was much easier than commonly believed - was enough to make only five mutations in two of its genes. This is what raises concerns of other scientists and U.S. authorities.
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